Our 50s Kitchen Renovation - Week 7
More big changes happened in week 7, some visible and some not so much. On Friday of this week, there were five guys working on various parts of the kitchen. It was pretty loud that morning, so I left the house house for a few hours and let them do their thing. The heating guy came out and ran heat in the kitchen and porch area. It is so toasty in the kitchen now and really shows what having insulation can do. We can't wait to get the rest of the house insulated
For the main kitchen area, the substrate for the countertops was cut and laid in place. Since the refrigerator will stick out so much more than the cabinets, we wanted to give it a built-in look, so Norm started to build a surround to box in the fridge. There will be storage space above the fridge and shelves and a nook for the trash can to the right of that. Finish trim was added to the main entryway between the porch and kitchen.
Our "new" vintage pull-down light. There is a curved glass diffuser which will cover the light bulbs, but we left it off so it doesn’t break during construction.
The electricians finished all of the outlets and installed the light fixtures. We have task lighting over the stove, sink and food prep areas as well as a more decorative light fixture in the center of the room. For the porch area, we had them install a vintage 1950s pull-down hanging light, that we found at the Charlton Antiques and Flea Market in Charlton, Ma, for five dollars. We had it checked out by an electrician to make sure it was safe and I polished up the outside.
This has been the most exciting week so far because we can really start to see what everything will look like and there is starting to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Plus, we have heat, light and electricity!